Jupiter Class rocked EPS on Tuesday morning with their rendition of ‘Run Rudolph Run’. There was amazing keyboard, drumming and ukulele playing as well as singing to fill our school with Christmas Spirit. Well done Jupiter we were all very proud of you!

That was so fun to preform and everyone did great!
Thank you Filip, given the circumstances- I think we did well!
Mrs R
Great singing .
The we band were good too!
Well done Jupiter we did GOOD!
We really did considering the difficulties we had practicing etc due to covid.
welldone jupiter class
hey yall well done juipter
Well done Jupiter class
Wow doing this Christmas play was so fun and I enjoyed it a lot.:))
So pleased you enjoyed it!
good work
well done Jupiter class
well done everyone on the play you done well
i like the way we all got along instead of bickering and we forgot about our problems.
Hey everyone well done and great effort
From Hibah