Jan 112021

Good afternoon Venus,

Please find below the questions from today’s quiz.

  1. What are the first 7 square numbers?
  2.  121 is the square number of?
  3. What are the four layers of the rainforest?
  4.  Name two locations that rainforest can be found.
  5.  Who was King Alfred?
  6.  Who was Guthrum?
  7. What did King Alfred do to restore peace between The Anglo Saxons and The Vikings?
  8. Who was Athelstan?


Remember if you answer before the end of today and get more than 5 correct, you are rewarded with a dojo point.


Miss Nicols (“,)

Jan 072021

Good afternoon Venus,

Please find below, the quiz that we took this afternoon, for anybody who was having difficulty viewing it.

Thursday’s Quiz

  1. What is a factor?
  2. What are the factors of 36?
  3. What does paraphrase mean?
  4. What does plagiarism mean?
  5. Give me two tips for note-taking.
  6. Who is Guru Nanak?
  7. What was his first job?
  8. What does ‘Guru Nanak’ mean?
  9. The five coins and the coconut were a symbol of?
  10. Why are the children in Punjab, India, given new clothes and a day off school?

If you want your answers, to contribute to your dojo points, you will need to complete the quiz, the day that it was set.  So this quiz needs to be completed today.

Miss Nicols (“,)