Jan 132021

Good morning Venus,

Following Mr Robins announcement about assemblies, please find below the details of the new assembly time and nickname needed to log into Google Meet.

Time: 11:00 am

Nickname: epsassembly3 (it is the same as the previous nickname except 3 has beeen added onto the end).

The days of the assembly still stay the same:

Monday – Rainbow Assembly




Miss Nicols (“,)

Jan 062021

Good morning Venus,

We will be having assemblies just as we do when we are in school. Except it will only be a KS2 assembly (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6). This is due to Google Meets, maximum capacity, being 100 people at one time. The assemblies will be on:




The time will be  11:20am.

The nickname that you will need to use is epsassembly. 

Well done to everyone who managed to log into the assembly today!


Miss Nicols (“,)