Jan 272021


I played the glockenspiel

  3 Responses to “Samuel”

  1. Samuel, I really want to hear this, but for some reason everything media wise is crashing my internet browser. Thank you so much for posting, I really want to give you feedback. I’ll try again tomorrow and hopefully it’s working. Nothing you’ve done wrong, just silly tech. I can see you’ve got a glockenspiel, awesome. When it works i’m looking forward to seeing your skills,

  2. Samuel, well done! I just logged on with my phone and it’s working well.
    Very nicely done, every note is correct with no mistakes. Very impressive.
    Tips for making it even better:
    1) Think about the “rhythm” of your piece. Sometimes you fall off it a little. Always start with a clear count, “1, 2, 3, 4” which will put you on a clear path for keeping on the beat. Nod your head so you can hear it in your brain.
    2) Play along with the backing track. That will help you keep ok the beat and simulate you playing along with a band.
    3) Maybe try singing it too? After you’ve played the Glock can you then sing a verse and chorus?

    Really good work though Samuel, very nice Glock too. 4 housepoints.

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