Jan 062021

Good morning Venus,

We will be having assemblies just as we do when we are in school. Except it will only be a KS2 assembly (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6). This is due to Google Meets, maximum capacity, being 100 people at one time. The assemblies will be on:




The time will be  11:20am.

The nickname that you will need to use is epsassembly. 

Well done to everyone who managed to log into the assembly today!


Miss Nicols (“,)

  2 Responses to “Assemblies”

  1. Rain forests are forests there well known humongous trees and what exotic creatures they contain by high and continuous rainfall, with rainfall in the case of tropical rain forests between 2.5 meters or 4.5 meters high, and defiantly know by there area for temperate in rain forests rain forests can reach from 64 degrees and 18 degrees also rain forests are good for are climate and can really help us humans . The undergrowth some areas of a rain forest can be known or called poor penetration of sunlight to ground level.There is also millions of different plant species that scientist haven’t seen before.

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