Mar 032021

Good morning Venus,

Here is today’s schedule:

09:15-09:25: Say good morning to your class mates. EMW.

09:25-09:30: Register.

09:30-10:00: We will go through today’s work, discuss any issues, check all your links work and that you are able to open the documents and videos. It is your responsibility, to look at the independent work and make sure you understand is expected of you. Lastly, looking at today’s non screen activity task and kindness task.

Can I remind you all, that no one should be in their pyjamas or in bed! Everybody should also make sure that they have eaten their breakfast before the register is taken. This is a learning environment and you need to take it as seriously as you do, when you are in class. There should, also, be no personal discussions or spamming via the chat unless advised to do so!

11:20 – 12:00: Lesson 1 – Live Online: MATHS – Divide 3 Digits By 1 Digit

Today, you will continue with the work you did yesterday, using counter and the place value grid as well as flexible partitioning. Today, however, you will be dividing 3 digits by 1 digit. You will be using your understanding of dividing 2 digits by 1 digit to look at dividing 3 digits by 1 digit.

Today’s learning video

Today’s divide 3 digits by 1 digit

Today’ division support

If you found the main learning video difficult, watch the breakdown, given by Mr Kelly learning video support

The extension worksheet, if you manage to finish the main worksheet, dives deeper into divide 3 digits by 1 digit extension

Remember to use your perseverance and resilience skills if you’re finding it tricky!


11:00-14:15: During this time, you are expected, to complete the work for all three subjects, independently and upload it to the blog.

*LESSON 2: LITERACY – To Plan The Second Part Of The Opening

In today’s this lesson, you will be planning the second part of the opening of Oliver Twist. It is, exactly the same learning, we did on Monday except you are going to be concentrating on the scene, where Oliver Twist picks the short straw. As always, you will be generating vocabulary that you will use in later writing (writing the second opening) and you will also look at ‘show not tell’.

Click here for today’s learning video

Click here for your independent activity

Click here for your independent activity support

*LESSON 3: MUSIC -To Learn And Identify The Different Timbres  In The Woodwind Section of the Orchestra

Hi Year 5, welcome back to Module 2 of your Jam-Bus Online Music lessons with me, Mr Spoerer .

This Module we are exploring “The Orchestra” which is truly the biggest most awe inspiring style of music because it involves so many people playing so many different musical instruments.

WALT: How to learn the different “TIMBRES” or “sounds” of each instrument in the “Woodwind Section” of the Orchestra and be able to identify them just from hearing each instrument’s  “Quality of Sound.” This is what Timbre means. It’s a french word that means exactly how an instrument sounds, and the different noises an instrument can make and how it makes that noise.

I also want you to download a print if you can this Woodwinds Colouring Sheets PDF. (click HERE to download it.)

Colour these and post to the blog your favorite instrument.

500 bonus YUMU points for those who do.

We’ll continue focus on the Pitch, (high or low notes) of each instrument and the name of each pitch. The highest being Soprano, Mid to high Alto, Mid to Low Tenor and lowest which is Bass.  We’ll also explore Whistle, Double Reed and Single reed sounds of Woodwind instruments.

We’ll also know the names of each instrument in the Woodwind Section.

The highest being High Soprano, Piccolo Mid to high Alto Flute soprano Oboe, Mid but large range Clarinet the Alto Cor Anglais, Low Tenor to bass  Bassoons and lowest which is the ContraBassoon. 

Watch this video to learn the names and sounds of the “Woodwind section” of the Orchestra.



After you have watched Mr Spoerer’s video, Please visit this link below:,0,0,0,0

Use this for more music work. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the video called “BBC Philharmonic’s Whistle-Stop Tour of the Orchestra and complete the linked Ten Pieces worksheet.” Only do this if you didn’t do it last week.

On the BBC Website You can watch the Orchestra playing all the instruments and fill in worksheet provided on what you can hear. Please take a photo of your completed sheets and post to the blog so i can see your great pictures.

Here is the video showcasing all the sounds of the instruments in the Orchestra. CLICK HERE


14:15 – 15:15: Live Session – AFTERNOON CATCH UP

  • Discuss EMW answers.
  • Will discuss today’s work – was it easy/just right for you/difficult/challenging?
  • Our daily dose of  ‘quiz time’.
  • Storytime – read a by one of your classmate’s parents.

See you at 09:15.

Miss Nicols (“,)

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